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  → Site Updates → December '09






3rd December '09

F Flyers - Updated page with Fruit Club & Fusion Flyers = 18 items





6th December '09

Website - Updated all the pages on the website so they justify to the centre of when viewed at higher screen resolutions. Also updated a path [ url ] so that a spacer disappears on all webpages.


We also found out that we rubbed off the comments on the comments page and the page itself dosen't work due to client-side maintenance [ which included a new path ] by our host - D'oh!. We dread to think what the contact page is like...


If all of this has gone over you head, don't worry as it has gone over ours as well!.





8th December '09

Website - After two days of head scratching, We finally reconfigured the comments page!.

When you get the chance, please use the facility to let us know:


  • Who you are and where you are from?

  • Any good and bad points about this site

  • Any suggestions on making this site better


    Any good suggestions that are used will receive a gift of some sort, usually nothing...





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