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borosix.co.uk → Site Updates → September '10
13th September '10
Website - Updated the horizontal links above to include our new facebook fan and twitter pages.
[ Note that we see the "fan page" page as a "friends of this site" page and not a "fan" page, so please get involved with this project and thanks to anyone who has connected with us so far!. ]
13th September '10 - a.k.a: "Update #001"
M Flyers - Updated page with Massive, Menace, Metalheadz and Monday Club flyers = 18 items
[ The beginning of long and tiring one-month mission due to huge amount of unarchived rave flyers in our office. We will also be trying to add album links of the updated flyers from our facebook fan page for quick digesting!. ]
I Flyers - Updated page with Incantation, Infinity, Inner Vision, Innovation and Intense flyers = 7 items
[ This update was to accomdate for the planned move of "Infinity" into "G Flyers" where they will be better placed with the other "Groove II" flyers. ]