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  → Site Updates → September '10 → Page 03






27th September '10 - a.k.a: "Update #008"

P Flyers - Updated page with Prodigy [ The ] flyer = 1 item


[ This decision was a toss-up between "The Prodigy" and "Progression", which made the final decision a forgone conclusion in the end... ]





27th September '10 - a.k.a: "Update #009"

T Flyers - Updated page with Tazzmania, Telepathy, Temptation, Time Tunnel, Total Kaos and 2000AD flyers = 18 items






29th September '10 - a.k.a: "Update #010"

F Flyers - Updated page with Fibre Optic, Flashback, Fungle Junk, Fusion and Future flyers

= 36 items


[ Been meaning to add the Fungle Junk flyers to the main archive for ages as they are simply beautiful to look at. And now is a better time than any to add all the Flashback flyers [ up to 1999 ] we have, one was a b!@%h to find and many thanks to the Mistress Mo for keeping us supplied with flyers in the past!. ]





29th September '10 - a.k.a: "Update #011"

L Flyers - Updated page with Labrynth flyers and V.I.P cards = 18 items






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