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1st June '17 → "Update #0101" → A Flyers → Rave
→ Adidance, Adrenalin, Adrenalin Corporation, Affinity, Amnesia House, Arcadia*, Ardshokk, Ark [ Essex ] and Awol have been uploaded or been updated.
→ Aztech [ x6 ] has been moved to A Flyers - Drum & Bass and Arcadia's "Dusk Till Dawn" [ x4 ] has been moved from D flyers - Rave. [ 49 items ]
Posted by admin on 11.06.17 @ 12:59 pm
1st June '17 → "Update #0102" → A Flyers → House
→ Absolute Havoc, Analogue City*, Angels, Anokha, Aphex Twin, Ark, Astral Phoenix, Athletico and Atomic Jam have been added or updated.
→ Analogue City's "Hardware" [ x5 ] has been moved from H flyers - House. [ 191 items ]
1st June '17 → "Update #0103" → A Flyers → Drum & Bass
→ A Girl Called Bob, Apex, Atmosphere Magazine and Aztech* have been added or updated.
→ Aztech [ x6 ] has been moved from A flyers - Rave. [ 54 items ]