→ Fallen Heros → Damon Kroonsberg → Page 02


I understand that you'll be opening your new office soon, can you shed some more light on that?

Yes, after talking to a few people, a group of us decided it was time to set up something permanent, on a much more professional basis for the industry as a whole - which has resulted us moving into the City at the end of January.



Where will you be based exactly?

It'll be right next door to the World Dance offices in Luke St, behind Liverpool Street station.



Was it hard to get recognition from promoters?

No not at all, after the first set of Desert Storm flyers inquires came flooding in and it's been mayhem ever since. I think the difference was the mixing the old style illustrations with the Apple Mac, which added another dimension.



Have you done anything aboard?

No, but we've got a couple of things lined up for this year already.



Why do you think that you have been so successful?

Being in the right place at the right time!.



Have you designed anything apart from flyers?

Yes, we design merchandising [ Desert Storm, N.A.S.A, World Dance, A.W.O.L ], we design brochures, catalogues,

record covers, cd covers, posters, record labels, basically anything with a design / illustration element we can handle. We are currently working on a couple of projects for television as well.



Have you done anything for shops?

Yes, we've designed shop logos, we have done murals inside shops including some grafitti in Micky Finn's shop in Gravesend [ Bitin' Back Records ].



You used to be a grafitti artist as well then?

Yes, I was bang into hip-hop when it first came over here, doing a "piece" on a wall back then was such a buzz, i'm sure there's manty ex-grafitti atrist's out there who know what I mean!.






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