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Dreamscape - 20th Anniversary

This November, a few like minded friends have decided to get together to commemorate the life and times of the legendary rave organiser Murray Beeston and ESP - Dreamscape.



Due to be held in Murray's old stomping ground of the Roadmender in Northampton, "The Standard Has to Be Reset" will be a twenty-year anniversary of all things ESP, Dreamscape and Murray Beeston. [ Link ]



After a agonising wait...
We have had some good news in the office featuring the welcomed return of Phatmedia's rave flyer archive-database.[ Link ]





Raindance - Pez Expo

A bit late in the day but...


The next Raindance party will have an in-house exhibition of Pez's recent artwork, hopefully someone will take some pictures!.[ Link ]
This site contains a host of rave flyers from throughout the UK ranging from '88 to '99 and absolutely no flyers have been leached from any other website on the web. If you would like to contribute in any way, [ Flyers or Information ] my details are on the contact page. I hope you will stop by now and again and enjoy this website, and could you let me know if there are any mistakes!.




Spirit Of Ibiza '89

Dave Swindell's "Spirit Of Ibiza '89" photo exhibition documents the meteroic rise of the early acid house scene from a very rare standpoint that is just as, if not more important as rave flyers themselves.[ Link ]


Roach Material / Geriatric Ravers

Another bit of good news we have been tipped-off about in the office is the welcomed re-introduction of Blayboy's pages.[ Link ]


facebook™ on

To co-inside with the integration of our facebook fanpage, has also began to add facebook "like" buttons thoughout this website.


Starting with this little logo to your left, each time you click on one of these links, a special link from our site will suddenly appear in your recent activity feed. If you dig the pages on this site, please be sure to click on those pretty little links!.