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News 018 - Phatmedia.co.uk
After long and agonising wait...
We have had some more good news in the office featuring the welcomed return of Phatmedia's rave
flyer archive and database. Dave and his team at Phatmedia have been very busy uploading over two-thousand old skool rave flyers so far in their database and they have over-hauled their login - upload sections to make visiting their site more of a breeze!.
The next raindance gathering will be the second "Jenkins Lane Reunion" and the party will have an in-house exhibition of Pez's recent artwork, hopefully someone will take some pictures that we would gladly feature on this site...
Posted by admin on 11.08.11 @ 20:06 pm
News 016 - borosix.co.uk on eBay™
Now our spring upload has finished we on borosix.co.uk are going to step back into the eBay arena. Over the last few years we has amassed a mountain of spare flyers that we basically need to shift.
In spirit of recent eBay policies, a majority of our spare flyers will be starting off at 99p each and any subsequent [ up to four items ] flyers will be shipped on the same flat postage rate. We will be shipping everything first class so your postage will be cheaper but cheaper rates means a basic service due to the amount we have to get rid of!. Everything online is also avaliable to trade but you will have to get in quick as we will not finish auctions early if there is some bidding on the auction!.
These auctions will be for UK bidders only and we had better get started on some auctions...