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Getting some help from an unexpected source, the local authorities give Amnesia House an helping hand. Fearful of having a raft of illegal parties in the summer of '90, the authorities liase with the organisers with the view of them becoming the first operation in the area to become legal. By the middle of '90, Amnesia House have transformed themselves into a "legal" operation when they start to promote a series of parties at the "Sky Blue Connexion".




Situated inside Coventry City FC's vast training complex in Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Warwickshire, the so-called "Sky Blue Connexion" is essentialy a sports hall, and was also a series of big parties held through the summer of '90 that firmly cemented the Amnesia House name into midlands clubbing folklore. The organisers also attempted another first when they booked big-name DJ's from London and combined them with their local residents and the Norths top DJ's. Amnesia House would eventualy host six parties at the Connexion before it all screeched to a tragic halt when someone was found dead near the venue.



Once the dust had settled after the connexion parties, Micky starts another organisation called Nemesis with Leroy and Eidris from Sneakers Records in Leicester, the crew at Amnesia have to start stratch. From a fresh batch of mid-week parties at the Dome in Birmingham, and a tribute party for the fallen raver in Leicester, Amnesia House rapidly grew to the point where they were consistently holding all-nighters at now legendary venues like The Eclipse in Coventry, The Hippodrome in Manchester, Shelleys Laserdrome in Stoke-on-Trent and Donington Park near Derby. However, during the middle of '92, Amnesia will get the chance to hold their first outdoor party, Micky ceases on the opportunity as his laughted at dream could now be fulfilled.



On a nice summers evening in the last weekend in June '92, a queue that stretched around the party site greeted Amnesia House as ravers from all over the UK came to witness the first ever wedding at a rave. With a DJ guest list as long as your arm [ Micky tried to get them to play for nothing as it was his wedding ] and with live performances from The Prodigy and Dream Frequency, Micky finally fullfills his dream as he and fiancee Tereen Burckitt marries in front a congregation of fifteen thousand guests at the "Book Of Love, Rave's First House Wedding" at Brayfield Stadium in Northamptonshire.



Although the "Book Of Love" was a overall success, the party of that summer and had a good spell of media coverage, there was some discontent in the ranks as Micky was taking most of the credit and accolades for their groundbreaking party even though it was a group achievement. Once they had paid everybody, when the other partners went to see how much they had left in the kitty and realised they actually made a loss on the party, all their other disagreements came to a crescendo and Micky had to move on.





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